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Design and make your own Robots

Each pack contains 3 templates and plenty of resources to decorate them.


Our craft packs are primarily made from donated scrap resources. These resources are donated from businesses and indivduals and were often orginally destined for landfill.


Scraptastic believes passionately that with a little imagination these resources can be used to produce some amazing projects.



  • These packs contain donated scrap resources therfore contents will vary between packs.


    You will need scissors, tape and PVA glue to use this pack. This pack is not a toy and should be used with supervision. 


    All resonable steps have been taken to ensure the conrents are safe but scraptastic cannot be held responsible for any injury caused through use. 

  • Please note these packs contain no instructions. We find instructions often limit creativity. There is no wrong or right way in which to use these packs and so no need for instructions.


    These packs also do not show any picture of the final prodct. This again is to prevent limiting the creativity of the user. I found my children often felt a sense of disapointment if their finished creation did not look like the one on the box. Their creation was fantastic but yet they were dissapointed.


    We do put pictures on our website of finished examples to give a hint of what can me made. These pictures are more for the benefit of the buyer, rather than the user. 


    Set your imagination free!



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